Guyue (Grace) Liu
Welcome! I’m an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Peking University and I lead the NetSys Lab. Previously, I was an assistant professor at NYU Shanghai and a postdoc researcher at Carnegie Mellon University Cylab, working with Prof. Vyas Sekar. I earned my Ph.D. from the George Washington University advised by Prof. Timothy Wood and my B.S. from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
⭐️ I’m looking for self-motivated undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in networking and systems research. Please feel free to fill out the form.
Research Interests
- Data Center Networks (DCNs)
- Wide Area Networks (WANs)
- Machine Learning Systems
- Cloud & Edge Computing Systems
- Dec-2024: Invited to serve as the PC for SIGCOMM 2025, CoNext 2025, and NSDI 2026, please submit your great work.
- August-2024: Our paper Heimdall on risk-aware network management outsourcing will appear at NDSS 2025.
- June-2024: Invited to co-chair SIGCOMM 2024 artifact evaluation committee.
- May-2024: Our two papers, ConfMask on protecting configuration privacy and PPT on new transport mechanism, will appear at SIGCOMM 2024.
- Feb-2024: Invited to serve as the PC for NSDI 2025 and ICNP 2024, please submit your great work.
- Nov-2023: Invited to serve as the PC for SIGCOMM 2024, please submit your great work.
- Aug-2023: QCLIMB: flow scheduling with imprecise flow information will appear at NSDI 2024.
- May-2023: ClickINC: a programming framework for in-network computing will appear at SIGCOMM 2023.
Older news=>
- Apr-2023: Invited to serve as the PC for NSDI 2024 and ASPLOS 2024, please submit your great work.
- Mar-2023: Invited to serve as the PC for ICNP 2023, please submit your great work.
- Dec-2022: LemonNFV on consolidating heterogeneous network functions at line speed will appear at NSDI 2023.
- May-2022: Our joint work with Meta on Network Entitlement will appear at SIGCOMM 2022.
- Jan-2022: I will serve as the PC for NSDI 2023, please submit your great work.
- Aug-2021: Our paper Heimdall on secure outsourcing of network management will appear at HotNets 2021.
- May-2021: I will serve as the PC for USENIX Security 2022, please submit your great work.
- Jan-2021: Invited to co-chair OSDI 2021 artifact evaluation.
- Oct-2020: Invited to give a talk at CyLab Partners Conference on auditable service chaining.
- July-2020: Our paper AuditBox on correctly auditing service chains will appear at NSDI 2021.
- June-2020: I will serve on the poster PC and N2Women mentor of SIGCOMM 2020.
- May-2020: Our paper EdgeOS on new isolation abstraction for edge applications will appear at ATC 2020.
- Feb-2020: I will serve on the shadow PC and poster PC of IEEE S&P 2020.
- Nov-2019: Invited to attend the Facebook/N2Women event and visit Facebook’s FTW Data Center.
- Oct-2019: I am honored to be selected as 2019 Rising Stars in EECS and participated the workshop at UIUC.
- Aug-2019: Invited to attend the NSF NeTS Early Career Workshop.
- July-2019: I am honored to be selected as one of ten N2Women Rising Stars in 2019.
- May-2019: I have successfully defended my PhD thesis and will join CMU as a postdoc researcher.
- Sept-2018: Our work REINFORCE on providing efficient failure resiliency for NFV has been accepted to CoNext 2018.
- June-2018: I will be spending the summer at Microsoft Research - Cambridge, UK.
- May-2018: Our work Microboxes on creating modular TCP stacks for network functions has been accepted to SIGCOMM 2018, see you in Budapest!
- Apr-2018: Our paper SMR on scalable memory reclamation has won the Best Student Paper Award of RTAS 2018!
- May-2017: ONVM-Multi has been accepted to KBNets 2017! Try our onvm-snort.
- Aug-2016: Two papers NetAlytics and SDNFV have been accepted to Middleware 2016, see you in Trento!
- May-2016: Our paper OpenNetVM has been accepted to HotMiddlebox 2016, I will be presenting it in Brazil!
- Apr-2016: I will be doing a summer internship at Hewlett Packard Labs.
- Mar-2016: I will be presenting our work NetAlytics at AT&T Research Academic Summit.
Awards and Honors
- Boya Young Scholar, 2024
- Weiming Young Scholar, 2024
- 2019 Rising Stars in EECS, Oct 2019
- N2Women Rising Stars, July 2019
- IEEE RTAS Best Student Paper Award and Outstanding Paper, Apr 2018
- First Place in 22nd GENI Engineering Conference Competition, Mar 2015
- GWU 2015 SEAS R&D Showcase Finalists, Feb 2015
- HP Helion OpenStack Scholarship (4/200), Dec 2014
- Outstanding Student Cadre of BUPT, Sept 2011
- Winner of Summer Research Project in London, July 2011
Guyue Liu